Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Where have I been??
A few weeks ago my house mates (Trav and Jase) went to zone 3 in Box Hill from midnight to 7am to celebrate Trav's 22nd birthday (hope you don't mind me telling everyone your old lol). It was an awesome night, my first few games were very challenging for me though as I was running around trying to shot everyone holding the gun with only one hand but it was not shooting anyone..... So the thing is broken of course....... Oh right I have to hold the sensor to make it fire thank you oh friendly person I'm about to shoot!!!. Yes yes I realize how stupid it must of looked for other's who know how to play watching me run around not holding the gun correctly. Oh well 7 hours later of non stop action we set off home, but wait after 23 hours of no sleep I'm still not sleepy I only managed 30mins of sleep so the VFL prelim final was calling me to watch it and I managed to see Geelong beat Williamstown by 6 points (damn Nth Ballarat was 6 points off a Grand Final oh well...) Finally I fall asleep around 10pm 36 hours later.... Ok 35 hours and 30 mins.
Uni Holidays have been good but between studying for Physiology (anyone know how the Kreb's Cycle works??), working and having fun with Melissa it has gone way too quickly. But we did manage to go to the Royal Melbourne Show. Since I used to go every year since I was about 18 or so, it brought back a lot of memories for me going back, they have put a lot of new things around which makes the place look like tent city but all in all the place looks cleaner and very family friendly.
Also Taekwondo has held it's Nationals in Adelaide which this has been the first one I've missed since 2001 which was a bit sad for myself but I hope to come back stronger for it. Congratulations to the guys from Heathcote!! Shari, Sharni and Tash won Gold, my dad won silver and Daniel won 2 Bronze, also well done to Jamie. Well done to Tracey, Mel and dad for training the kids to success.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
R.I.P. Peter Brock and Steve Irwin
Steve 'the crocodile hunter' Irwin has passed away leaving behind terri, bindi and bob as well as many animals around this world. My own thoughts on Steve at first was that an animal has struck back, since for many years we see Steve always getting far to close to many times to very dangerus animals, but after reflexting on this i understand just what he did for our own enviroment and getting close so that we knew not to get close, yes he was very over the top but i'm sure anyone else would be like that about things that they are so passionate about. I'm sure Australia will never see another Steve Irwin again and will miss the work he not only did for the animals but also putting Australia on the map, 'cricky'.
Peter 'Perfect' Brock has also passed away, Mr Motor Sport was driving in a rally in Western Australia and hit a tree. Peter has done so mush for motor sport here in Australia and nobody will ever win as many Bathurst's as he has or ever drive as well as Brocky did, big statements i know but anyone who knows about Peter will agree with me. The man had so much time for everyone including his fans and media which not many other sports person can lay claim to. I hope Peter gets what he deservse and it would be fitting to name a piece of the Bathurst track after the man who dominated the race for so many years. His famous saying he would write when signing autographs was "live the dream", to houner the man lets all do that.
Both men will be sadly missed but i'm sure both would of wanted to go they way they did because they were doing what they enjoyed doing in life which makes us think about our own life if we go tomorrow will we be enjoying what ever we are doing?? R.I.P. Steve and Peter you will be both missed.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Footy Update.

North Ballarat are into the semi final!
I do stats for the North Ballarat Roosters which finished 7th after 20 rounds of footy with 9 wins and 9 losses and 103% to face Werribee in the second Elimination Final at Port Melbourne oval (also known as TEAC oval, which I don't know why as there are only 500 signs around the oval). I was very optimistic of our chances as Werribee beat us by 55pts only 2 weeks ago so I was hoping to lose by only 40pts this time around and have a football free weekend next weekend!
We started off well moving the ball quickly and getting plenty of it, the next thing I thought was 'hey we are playing good football is this the same team???' we manged a good start 11 goals 6 points to 2 goals 2 points by the end of the 1st quarter....
after that it was all fun and games winning by a massive 76 points
North Ballarat: 28.16.184
Werribee: 16.12.108
Goodbye Werriebee have a great summer, we are off to play Geelong next weekend, Damn I had next weekend to enjoy a football free weekend but noooooo those players just don't know how to lose......oh well as the say in football 'there's always next week'.
As my friends would know I'm a mad Collingwood supporter (most people would say we all are) and Collingwood has also made the finals for 2006. We are playing Western Bulldogs on the 10th of September stay tuned for football updates...
'Never stop playing'